Monday, May 23, 2011

Puttin it on front street: keep it 100

The Dating World

"Ive been watching you, watching me and I know you want it..."

Oh, the fun the dating world has to offer!  All the awkward-ness, guessing games, being on our best behavior and just being "ridiculously selective".

Recently, I went on one of the most enjoyable dates I have been on to date (post break up).  I really wasn't sure what to expect so, I expected nothing.  I am glad I did too because I was pleasantly surprised about this guy.  Dinner went off without a hitch and the conversation flowed with ease only to realize that we were more similar than I had originally thought. The date ended with a simple, non-intrusive hug, nicely done.  I actually couldn't wait 'till he asked me out again, which thankfully he did.  So a couple days pass and date #2 comes around.  This time, dinner and a movie.  Again, dinner was great...conversation hit an awkward note mid way but we recovered quickly.  So movie time..while the movie we watched was suppose to be a comedy, I found it more tender than anything else.  So here we are, sitting next to each other in a dark theater watching a movie that I am not trying to cry in...period.  No hand holding or arm around me and again, the date ends with a hug. And I know this may come as a surprise to most of you when I say this but I'm a little aggressive (I know, shocker) I appreciate a man that is a little more aggressive than I am.  Which lead me to believe that, I am just not his type.  That was confirmed when I got a text message Saturday afternoon from him saying he was "keepin it 100" in the most vague way possible.  Which brings me back to Lovely's blog.  In the dating world, we DO put our best foot forward and we DO become ridiculously selective when sharing things about ourselves.  But here's the thing, if on this first date I kept it 100 and he kept it 100 then we wouldn't have to play the guessing game on what either of our intentions were/are.  Cos more than likely, we had the same intentions but don't know it cos texting can only go so far. 

So as Boobs said, in this world of electronic dating (fb, twitter, texting...) put your "stats" up and cards all on the "table".  Cos trying to find all that out through multiple dates is exhausting and quite frankly, sometimes a waste of time.  And let's be real, time is money and I am not getting any younger.  So really, if you wanna keep it 100...put it all on front street and end the madness to these guessing games.

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