Monday, June 6, 2011

Punch Drunk Love

Everyone has that one "couple" in their life.  The couple that every time you look at them, you think, "I want...that".  For most people, it's your parents but sometimes, you may be lucky enough to have a couple like that in your life who also happens to double as two of your closest friends.

Meet Amber and Nick.  These two were the "fun" couple.  The ones that you double dated with because, let's face it, they would be down to bar hop in the mission and get just as smashed as you two.  But they were also perfectly fine with staying in with a couple of bottles and some brew-skis while playing board games.  Yup, that's right...we had couples game night.  Other nights the men watched the fight or the game or a man grunting television show while the women drunk chatted over politics and religion.  And they were the squad....until "the couple" moved to Denver.

Every year since, the couple would get a visit from their bay area friends.  Roof top bars, July 4th BBQ's and nights trying to go to the pool.  Except for this last time.  It was a single visit... from their single friend... visiting the happily married, just-bought-a-home, couple.  But it was ALL good, cos these were HER friends...people she loved and admired so the forethought didn't bother her.

She spent all weekend with the hubby, whom she regards as another brother, since the wifey had to work most of the holiday weekend.  It was exactly what she get away from the city, be in new scenery with people that she loves and truely misses.  Its also a plus to be drinking as soon as you wake up till the time you pass out where ever you lay your head.  But it was this one particular evening...Saturday night...

So the day starts off with big bro and little sis hitting up Sam's for some much needed grub paired with a fully loaded bloody marys.  Followed by the soccer game, where big bro sipped on red wine and shouted at the TV while little sis napped in her bed downstairs.  She was pleasantly awakened by brother saying, "Hey get up.  Its cocktail time on the veranda".  Happily, she rolls outta bed to have a drink.  All day she had been talking about "him" and the break up and Brother just let her.  He never said anything to take sides unless she specifically asked him a male point of view question.  (thank you brother for letting me talk cos sometimes I just need someone to just listen)

So nightfalls and wifey joins them to only find themselves at a bar where little sister insists on everyone taking shots (what can she say?  She's already drunk at this point), so they do...and plenty of them.  Everyone is pretty much toasted at this point so back it's back home for a nightcap (ie shots of Maker's Mark and glasses of wine).  Lights are off and surround sound is on playing all the hits.  Its a dance party in the middle of the living room with just them 3 and little puppy Chole.  And then that is when it happens...the WHOLE reason why this blog is being written.

She watches as this happy couple dances together to whatever song is playing.  Just all smiles and completely in tune with eachother.  While little sister is trying NOT to be the awkward 3rd wheel friend, she notes how in love they look...and are.  How, something as silly and as small as being drunk in your own living room and dancing with you life partner could equal happiness beyond compare.

and that's when she loses it...

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