Thursday, June 9, 2011

The "not quite" mile high

ser·en·dip·i·ty [ser-uhn-dip-i-tee]In the simplest of words, it means a "happy accident".The end of May was approaching and Lynn thought to herself, "Finally....a long weekend.  Time to jet set my ass outta this town".  She is lucky enough to have friends who live in different states so she can visit them on occasions like this.  So Memorial day rolls around and she finds herself on a Friday afternoon preparing for take off.  This includes, but not limited to, whiskey and water with a stick to light.  Needless to say, by the time she is getting picked up to leave, she is light weight feelin' herself.  LIGHWEIGHTSince she does have book club in a week, she brings the book along so she is able to get a good chunk done on her plane ride.  She arrives at the airport, drunk, and waaay early.  So to get a head start, she sits down with her nose in her book. Have you ever tried reading a murder mystery drunk?  Not recommended.  So Lynn does what she knew she should have done from the start, go to the airport bar.She finds one seat empty, corner bar, next to a young gent.  She kindly asks him, "Is this seat taken?" he says no and that it's all hers so, she takes a seat.  The bartender asks what she's having and she switches it up to her default drink, Kettle1 and cran (2 limes pls).  As if the bartender knows her already, he asks, "Would you like to make that a double for $3 more?", HELL YES!  Mind you, she is 3 in already with a double on the way....and she is going back and forth with the bartender for a minute.  Some og asian dude that doesn't quite get that she is fucken with him.  Oh well.  The giants game is on so she watches attentively.  The gent to her left comments on them and she comments back.She begins to notice that this gent is sketching on cocktail napkins with a pencil...and she DESPERATELY wants to give him a piece of paper.  But trying to avoid being too bold, she keeps to herself.  That is...until he starts it.  It was a simple, "Where are you headed?" that began the sarcastic conversation that lead her to find out that Wayne was on the same flight as she was.  Secretly, she was excited.  It was almost time to board so Lynn closes her bill and excuses herself before she has to get on the plane.  She tells Wayne that it was nice to meet him and off the bar stool she goes.False one is boarding the flight quite yet so Lynn and Wayne stand off to the side and continue where they left off.  Midway, he asks where she is seated and she responds "20C" an aisle seat.  He plays coy for awhile before revealing that he is seated at "20E" a middle seat.  Now what are the chances of meeting a guy at an airport bar who is traveling to the same place as you AND AND AND is in the same row?  Now the aisle does separate them but that is damn close.  So they board the plane together and take their seats.  A young lady is already in her aisle seat as he sits down.  Lynn is a little disappointed, but not for long.  He leans over a flashes a smile and Lynn has to make a quick decision.  And she does...She leans over to the young lady and asks, "Would you mind terribly if you and I switched seats?" She receieves a quizzical look but agrees and they switch seats.  He looks pleasantly surprised but she immediately begins to regret it.  Has she been too bold?  Is she now stuck on a 3 hour plane ride in an awkward situation? No.  Not even close.  He is an artist and breaks out his sketch book in which they take turns drawing pictures and playing tic tac toe.  They go thru 5 pages in the first half of their flight.  Well there goes her plans for reading.  The stewardess comes around for beverage service and asks if this is their first holiday away together.  He plays in to it saying that they are visiting friends but at the same time Lynn says they just met. Dammit, that coulda been fun.  Wayne buys her a beer and they slam it so they can get a jack and coke.  He has to excuse himself and being the slick rick that Lynn is, she turns to the first page from where they started sketching and writes in"Lynn415-555-5555"When he returns its more of the same banter, sarcasm and terrible (on her part) drawings.  Now it's almost time to land and he scribbles "# ?"  Now what he doesn't know is that he already has the number so she has to play naive so when she is passed the pencil, she writes and "X" in one of the spaces as if they are playing tic tac toe.  When he is handed back the pencil...he writes "5" indicatring that he is now asking for her number.  Duh.  They are interupted by the stewardess asking them to prepare for landing.  The lights in the cabin are still off and they start to decend. They are facing each other and he goes in for it.  But only its up to her to take the last 10%.  Trust me, she thought about it.  This has been the BEST first date (if you can even call it anything at all) that she has been on yet.  But don't get all excited thinking that she is about to join the MILE HIGH CLUB quite yet.  Before she can even weigh her options, the cabin lights come on which makes her back away.  If they would have given her 30 more seconds...she may have stuck her tounge down his throat.  Kidding, kidding.  Or was she?They disembark the plane.Does he ever find her #...The answer is:YES.

1 comment:

  1. OOOOOO. I hope there is a to be continued for this one.
