Friday, May 13, 2011

but...I am a woman too

Everyone has that friend, who seems like no matter what...nothing can really get to them.  There skin is as thick as leather and it's like water off a ducks back.  We admire how strong they are...don't we?  Or do we?

Cos for those who know me, know that:
I speak my mind
and I pay the consequences
I challenge and love to be challenged
I am independent and can happily operate on my own
I take pride in saying, "I got that"
I can take care of myself and my family
not because I can but because I want to
My friends and family are the center of my universe
and I would do ANYTHING for them
I stay strong when you can't
I roll my eyes, snap my tongue and have an attitude
There isn't much that I wouldn't do because:
I am adventurous but at times reckless
I work hard because I like to play hard
I believe the world is full of good people
in a way, that makes me naive
I laugh loud, love hard and dance to the rhythm of my own drum

I am a woman too.
I feel and absorb
while my shoulder is always open, I need one from time to time
and sometimes, all I need is a hug
spooning beats out forking any day - no matter what you say
being needed is a good feeling
but being taken care of is equally nice
when I am weak...I need you to be strong
flowers make my day.  Esp when they are a surprise
the little things do count even more than the big things
I remember what you say and the promises you make
chivalry is not far fetched for me and I believe in true love
 my heart does and can break
but I CAN and WILL bounce back
until then...

Just because you don't see me crying on the outside does not mean that I am not dying on the inside.

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