Monday, May 2, 2011

Welcome to the real world: Go get 'em tiger


You would be amazed at the chats that go on amongst women, esp. when it is over drinks.  You used to have to take a back seat, because let's face it, couple talk is not as juicy as single talk.  So the days of listening to your girlfriends talk about their most recent encounters with men are now over and you now get to join.  So enter the new world of single-hood  and dating, but how?  It's not something that comes second nature anymore.  Your not as witty with the sly remarks and the eye thing you used to do has lost it's umph....

So you compare notes, and don't act like you're surprised, men do it too and if you don't maybe you should.  I am not saying kiss and tell but that awkward 2:00am text you sent her/him the other night could have been avoided had you asked your friends opinion first.  And if you are worried about asking your friends in the first place, it's probably not a good idea.  Also, it's not very easy to identify red flags since you are knee deep in this shit.  So friends are a good reference to inform you when that man is giving that good ole red flag a wave. 

Over drinks awhile ago, a good friend of mine mentioned that now a days you gotta ask, straight up, if he has a girlfriend or not.  But the trick to this question is actually saying the word "girlfriend".  I once asked someone if he was "seeing" anyone.  To me, that encompasses all the types of relationships.  Well apparently not...just because he was "seeing" someone on a regular basis did not mean that he was in a relationship.  Yeah, we debated on the difference...and yes, I think I won.  And please don't tell me "that it's complicated" cos it's not.  You have a girlfriend, that seems pretty straight forward to me.

And not to offend any freak-a-leeks out there but seriously, if you invite a girl over to your house and give her the grand tour, please oh please, put your damn stripper pole away.  The last thing a good girl wants to see as soon as she enters your room is a stripper pole.  The only thing that is going thru her mind is trashy and trust me when I say, you just can't get over that first impression.  Now don't get me wrong, the ex and I spoke about getting one, and that can be sexy for a couple but if your single and have one....what type of message are you sending?

Let's talk about texting etiquette.  First, let's start by saying, nothing good happens after midnight, ok?  Now while I understand that we are in the age of shorthand texts/emails, when possible, use spell check and correct grammar.  There is nothing sexier than a man with a HUGE...brain.  If you do not know the difference between "wear" & "where" I will definitely be laughing at you and I promise that I will not be calling you back.  You can go ahead and cancel that date too.

And with social networking being the center of our world now a days, keep in mind what you post vs what you say.  Cos if the two don't match, you are bound to get caught slippen.

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