Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It's not you...it's the OTHER you

So you and all your girlfriends are single, aye?  Your week is jammed packed with brunches, lunches, dinner, after dinner drinks and dancing.  It's just one thing after another...vacations, road trips, shopping and happy hour.  And you do it all together.  If you are not all together then you are on the phone, texting or chatting on the net all day long.  Then one day Missey meets the man of her dreams and slowly, she is out with the group less and less.  The calls slowly start to diminish and now you hardly get an email from her.  All of a sudden you realize that your group has now decreased by one.   You NEVER see her or hear from her anymore.  One day, over dinner no doubt, your girlfriends are discussing this and you think, "Gee, every time Missey gets a man, she always leaves us".  Sounds familiar don't it?

So now you find yourself in a relationship with your very own Mr. Big.  Now you are calling Missey to go on double dates with you guys.  They hit it off almost immediately and talk about everything from sports to guns, motorcycles and cars.  They exchanged usernames so they can play COD: Black Ops together and borrow each others games.  This is great cos you get the best of both worlds: hanging out with your man and spending some much needed girl time with one of your besties.  Saturday night's consist of double dinners at each other's homes and game night.

Then that dreaded day comes where you and Mr. Big break up and now you hardly hear from Missey and "Man" anymore.  Anytime you want to just come over and hang out, they want you to bring someone or hook you up with someone.  All of a sudden, they feel sorry for you.  When discussing this with one of my gf's, she added, "Am I (alone) not good enough?" and I was almost knocked out of my seat when a mutual girlfriend had said to another, "If you had a man, I would be inviting you guys out all the time!" Ouch.  Now you are not good enough to be with your couple friends because, honey, you are NOT a couple.  You are you and you alone. 

It's funny how we automatically think that it's when women go from single to couple, that the calls stop.  But now I am realizing that it's the other way around too.  Your single friends didn't wanna hear about target shopping with Mr. Fantastic and your couple friends don't want to hear about your wild Monday-Friday night. 

Either way, if your feather don't look like theirs....they don't want to hear it. 

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