Sunday, January 22, 2012

da qualche parte là fuori..(somewhere out there)

It wasn’t until Monday night where things became real for me.  and it all started with a letter from my Mahoganizzle sister…

It was a letter about me…her version of me.  Have you ever known, really, in words how your closest friends feel about you?  It was so incredibility touching to know how much a person believes in you…loves you. So there I was, reading her letter in bed on my second to last night…crying.  THANKS.A.LOT.

The next day was filled with errands and packing.  I had my best and my main staying up with me to divide my life into 160 lbs.  It took a while and many attempts, but we got it.  I don’t get to talk to my best often…shoot we don’t even see each other on a regular basis…but he is always there.  It’s times like these that count the most and he is ALWAYS there to help me thru.  I talk to my main everyday…I see her every other day…and it’s the same thing every day.  I couldn’t tell you how many times she has saved me in a clutch play.  Or saved my life…in so many ways.  For this, I am forever thankful.

At 3:30am, my family and I get into the van and make our way to SFO.  I silently cry to myself in the back seat.  Mostly because I am thinking of all the things/people I will miss.  I’ve never been so far away from my family…from my younger brother.  It breaks my heart to know I won’t be able to see them at a drop of a dime.  I regret not spending more time with them…

Then finally at the airport, we have a goodbye committee to see us off and to make us cry.  bitches.  And then they pull the stunts of all stunts.  Mac and I receive an email that we are to read together.  It’s a slide show with messages from some of our closest people and our theme song(s) playing the background.  I am so touched that I can not help but cry hysterically at our gate.  I couldn’t ask for a better way to be seen off…really.  Now, anytime I am feeling down or a little homesick, I have this video to remind me of how much my family and friends support, believe in and love me.

I write my final chapter of my American life in 2012 on my plane ride from New Jersey to Rome. 

“And even though I know how very far apart we are…it helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star….”  (sing that shit CrystalMotherFuckenClear)

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