Sunday, October 30, 2011

the begining

It all began as an idea. 
Today is the first step to the rest of my life.

I had this overwhelming yearning to feed my soul and to see the world.  A free spirit at heart, I surprise no one with my ideas of adventures and my travels.  I guess I should thank the US Government for telling me that I was too old to join the military...go figure.  Thankfully, the beautiful RENegade came into my life and introduced me to an outlet that would lead to endless possibilities.

June 2011, the idea of teaching abroad is played with.  The next round of classes begin January 2012..yeah, thats do-able.  Still an idea, still a half a year away...We both apply to teach English abroad in Florence, Italy.  Still just an idea, still more than 6 months away...we both get accepted and then pay our deposit.  Ok, but we are still 2 seasons away..we have plenty of time. Ideas of pasta, wine, cobblestones and vespas circle in my head, happily.

Ill be moving back home two months prior to the move.  smh, THAT should interesting.  Then one day I wake up one day and it's October 24th. Shit, I have ran outta time and now I have a week to pack up my stuff. My girlfriends come over to help..newspapers and boxes everywhere.  I have 3 main catagories: into storage, come with me and send to me.  All of my memories get put into cardboard boxes so they can go into a dark room, waiting for me to come home... if I come home. Ok, side note: I almost cried typing that. Slowly, my room empties out and  is starting to feel bare. And when I pause for a moment, I suddenly feel bare too. Taking the first round of boxes to my moms house.  Yeah... shit just got  real..real.  Minor panic attacks..brief moments of excitement..whooshes of worry..and day dreams that don't end...

Yesterday was the day I officially turned in my notice.  My last day is Friday, December 23rd. If this wasn't is now. 

Hi, my name is Nicole and I am 28 years old. 
I have quit my job, which I have made a career out of, to move to another country.
In this country, I do not know a single soul nor do I speak the language.
I will be teaching English.  Did I mention I hardly speak Engrish?
I will be with one of my closest and we are in it together.
We will feed our souls and our tummy's
We will tour the world and open new doors.
this will be an experience we will never forget.

So begins the story:

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