Friday, July 22, 2011

Close mouths dont get fed.

men take out the trash
women clean the house

men mow the lawn
women do laundry

men make the money
women make the home

Do traditional gender roles still exist?  I mean, now a days more and more women are taking on roles that once upon a time men can only hold.  I mean, shit, Michele Bachman has officially announced her candidacy for the upcoming 2012 presidential elections.  While I am not a republican, Imma go with upgrade (although on a political side note, I still think Romney will win to run against Obama.  and of course, I remember Hilary did the same thing but we are speaking in present tense here).  But it's not only in the professional world.  There are more and more stay at home Dad's with bread winning wives.  Now how do these women get there...sure, ambition and drive (along with wit and intellect) have a lot to do with it.  But how women are communicating theirs wants and needs to reach such achievements have changed drastically.

Let us simplify by reviewing the current dating world.  Now for those of you that DO know me, you know that I am a go getter.  And if we are are too.  And I have been very interested in the mannerisms that we as women display in this type of situation and how men react to different approaches.  A girlfriend of mine once talked about her "move"...and apparently, everyone has one.  But what type of move is efficient in getting that steller young feller over to where your standing?  And which moves say what about you?  What if it's not a move at all?  and more forward is too forward?

The shy gal: she is standing at the bar with her girls, drinks in hand.  She notices a guy at the end of the bar who is HOTT.  She catches glimpses of him from time to time and she dare not move because she can see him perfectly.  But everyone can feel when someone is looking at them so he looks up at her and she looks away.  AWKWARDLY.  He doesn't know what to think about that so they never meet

The lady: Now she is on the dance floor with her girls dancing to any song with a good rhythm.  She notices a man on the side lines chatting it up with his friends.  Their eyes meet...she hold is for a second, looks away but looks back. and smiles.  That is his in...he asks for a dance.  GOT 'EM

The go-getter:  She walks into the club/bar/library/grocery store with her shoulders back, chest out and a smile on her face.  She sees something she likes and walks straight up to him and says, "I just wanted to let you know that you are incredibly handsome.." touches his arm ever so lightly and she turns and walks away.  He stands there in shock for a minute but as soon as he recovers...he goes in for the chase.

I opt to go with the go-getter style.  Not just in the dating world but with life in general.  I know this will come as a surprise to many, but I am passive agressive and I am working on it.  And since I have been, I landed a great job, have the best of friends, closer to my family and much happier in general.  How I feel is worn on my shoulder and you get no surprises from me.  It may be a little forward at times but you will always know where you stand with me.  Just wish it worked to other way around...or I wish I was a mind reader.  Tho fortune teller would work too...

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