Thursday, April 28, 2011

Welcome: this is just the beginning

I would like to preface by saying, I am in no way considered a good writter.  What you will find here are my thoughts raw and un-cut.  Just like how it would be if we were sitting over drinks and I am telling you about my most recent adventures.

I have been following bogs from the most creative, clever, insightful, well written ladies (not to mention beautiful, independent and just down right amazing) and it got me do they know?  How do they know what I am going thru or I was just thinking about that or how do I deal with this.  Well, they didn't know, we are just going thru the same things at the same time.  So here I am offering my point of view on things in hopes that you will find comfort in knowing that you are not was NOT just you...and we are in this together.  Just the way I feel when I read their blogs...

So welcome to the official start of:
No Sex in the City: Chronicles of a Single Woman

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