Sunday, May 3, 2015

April is a promise that May is bound to keep

     My birthday month has officially come to an end.  On the last day on April, I boarded a plane to return to my second home and revive my second soul.  When you travel alone, you have a lot of time to think.  To re-evaluate your life...what you did, what your doing and what you want to do.  I told myself that this trip would be a perfect time to reflect.  I'd be spending many hours alone and would be forced to organize this mess in my head. First, I am 32 now.  So what did 31 bring?  What have I learned and who taught me these lessons?  Did I teach anyone anything?

     I will say, 31 was a get back year.  It was first year home and I had reverse culture shock like a son-of-a-gun.  While I was busy traveling the world and falling in love with places and people, I was also exhausting my entire life savings.  Well spent, if you ask me.  So when I came home, I literally had $100 to my name and that was it.  I was living in my moms house, which has absolutely no space for me,  I no longer had a car and definitely no job and that meant no money.  And when you have no money, that means (almost) no fun.  So, first thing is first, find a job.  So I did that....and I hated it, so I quit.  Found another one.  Hated it more, so I quit.  Then I found another one...and I stayed. Stacked some bread so my savings account didn't feel lonely anymore.  I went back to school, too.  I learned that everyone stayed the same age, except for me. Second up, move back into the city.  Ok, check.  In the first 3 months that I was back and functioning like a normal human being.

     It also brought me a new relationship, which is now (already) over.  I now see how hard it was to teach someone about myself when I was still in limbo.  Even though I was back home in a place where I knew the streets, knew the people and was apart of the culture...I still dreamt of my other life.  I still dreamt in another language and still yearned for the newness of everything.  I was only half here.  I gave him 100% of that half...but it was still only half of me.  Will I ever get my other half back?  Probably not.  But I am ok with that now.  I am ok with knowing that this half of me is the new whole me.  I'm ok with teaching future partners that, yes, I do have multiple personalities.  I wear different hats.  I live in different ways.  I love in different ways.  And, someday, someone will fall in love with all of them.

     And of course, my month, my year and my life would not be complete without travel.  So 31 also brought me a new 7 wonder of the world.  Macchu Picchu.  That is a blog in itself so stay tuned for that incredible adventure.  It brought me Coachella for the first time. I mean, sure, I have to been to "music festivals" before but we called them raves..and they lasted a (whole) night instead of 3 days.  It was a girls trip, kinda.  I had a blast but I really don't think I would do it again.  Music festivals are FUN.  I mean, really really fun.  But damn, you need a vacation after coming back from one.  Palm Springs dessert and it was nice and hot.  The highlight of my trip was seeing Marvin Garrix.  I could feel the bass flowing through me and vibrating the tips of my fingers all the way down to my toes.  Standing in the middle of hundreds and hundreds of people moving at the same time on the same wave.  Eyes open, eyes's all the same.  That night, I decided to stay on campgrounds (even though I had a perfectly good bed and shower at the hotel) to get the full effect and experience of Coachella.  What can I say?  I do it for the ig cred.  The night met me with a sandstorm that ripped apart the site we were staying in.  I was baffled.  We were sleeping on air mattresses with one pillow and a sheet under a canopy.  When morning came, I hopped my semi-high maintenance ass back on the bus and showered the sand away.  While, again, I throughly enjoyed myself...I would much rather spend a thousand dollars on a plane ticket outta here...

  Then, I was able to go on my annual trip to Denver.  First night, I was able to go to the Bassnectar concert at the Red Rock Amphitheater. That place is AMAZING.  Being surrounded by the red rocks high above the city is unreal.  I got to buy some medicinal marijuana from a dispensary for the first time..completely legal.  They called it a "bar" and the people selling them inside were "bartenders".  It was an educational experience to say the least.  I got to go to a Rapids game where I fell in love with Kamani Hill and his 3 goals against the Dynamo. I got to meet my little nugget, Elli Lynn, who I fell in love with instantly.  I got to see my sister from another mister and brother from another mother, whom I miss dearly.  Hiking Red Rocks was a beautiful sight as well...too bad the pictures were taken by the ex.  Oh well, I'll just have to go back sometime soon.

 And of course, smaller trips were taken as well.  Me and 19 of my closest friends went to tahoe for a weekend and I must say, I don't know a group more fun then us.  And that is the truthiest truth you will ever hear. Last trip of the year, left a bad taste in my mouth.  I took a time out from Thanksgiving this year and decided to visit my, then, partners home town in Dana Point.  We arrived the day before Thanksgiving, right in time for his HS reunion.  And on that first night, I finally got confirmation on who I suspected he really was. I see your true colors shining through.  And boy, I not like them.  So there, at the reunion and on that first night....we broke up.  Made a helluva weekend tho.  Can you imagine?  Being far from home, away from family and friends, eating Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant bar with a man who didn't deserve or appreciate you.  Joy.

And now I am welcoming 2015 with open arms and an open heart...and it hasn't been shaping up to be that bad either.  In the first two months, I ran away to Tahoe for a weekend, a couple of times.  I went to New York City to officially celebrate my birthday and to watch the oh so talented Mr. Stevie Wonder.  And I am closing my birthday month with a 16 day trip to Italy, Berlin and London.

So, thank you 31 for being my come back year but I much prefer 32.  And the best is yet to come....


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