Saturday, January 5, 2013

What did you say? Che dici?


noun, plural al·che·mies for 2.

any magical power or process of transmuting a common substance, 
usually of little value, into substance of great value.

The language of you believe it?  I didn't but I sure as hell do now.  I crossed the seas and found myself a whole new person.  PDA, cuddling and the whole cupcaking thing.  

I'm with it.  

Yes, he is Italian.  Yes, I am American.  No, we do not speak each other's languages fluently but we communicate on some higher platform than just verbal language.  There have been a couple times where the thought crossed my mind briefly what a challenge this is.  And will be...but we try and want to continue to.  This morning, he reminded me of the power love can have.  While we two different first languages, we have an alchemy that trumps that.  Ever have something so natural you feel like you have been doing it your whole life?  It's scary sometimes,  but so is taking a gravity bong rip but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it.  Cos now, I live for the nights like tonight.  Homemade pizza with beer and soul music playing in the background with an unexpected love that has turned me upside down and inside out.  In the best way possible. 

Love is a little bit like fairy dust.  Makes you do things you never thought possible.  So call me Tinkerbell y'all cos I fairy dusted all over this place and with a little help, we found a magical power to create something stronger, bigger and more effective than any language.

end sappy love story.  
eat. play. LOVE.

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