Thursday, August 23, 2012

Brand new everything

When life slows down and you have a moment to breath,
you get a chance to reflect.

My journey overseas has been a whirlwind of experiences and emotions. Upon my arrival in January, the beauty of the old world took my breath away. Cobblestones and "modern" 16th century buildings flooded my camera and warmed my heart.

I then started my 4 week intensive course at Via Lingua to become a certified English teacher. Education aside, I met some people that I will never forget. Some are now past friends, with whom I created fond memories that I can look back on. Others, life long friends that will always have a very special place in my heart. One in particular, who's heart is bigger than most. Between us, the world stands no chance...aggressive and headstrong, I miss this lady with all my heart and wish she was still here to experience Italy alongside me.

School ends and we go in to a tornado of drinking, eating and meeting people. Funny enough, we end up frequenting an Irish pub that only Americans go to. Go figure. Despite the 20 something's getting shit faced  wasted, giving Americans their well deserved reputation, I enjoy this bar....a lot. It became my very own "Cheers"... Where everybody knows your name. I befriended a girl that works there that I describe as the "Italian me".  We share so much in common that it is scary and funny at the same time.  Stories, oh our stories....I am able to talk to her about everything and anything under the sun. To have an Italian point of view on things have certainly helped in adjusting to the culture. Besides, she can make a mean cheesecake and tiramisu.

I ended up getting involved with a bartender who also works there. Of course I
did. We both entered our "relationship" knowing where we both stand and seemingly understanding each others situations. As months passed, things entered the grey area, boundaries blurred and everything changed. I'm not quite sure when or how...and definitely not why, but they did. On both ends... and it was obvious.  Needless to say, he called it quits. As disappointed as I was, it was the best thing he coulda did for me. I am now free to hang out with someone who I can actually talk to, do things with and feel comfortable around. Forever may not be an option for us but I enjoy his company all the same.
Which brings me to the here and now. With "new" all around me, it's hard to not be positive about where I am right now. The new job is turning out to be better than I expected, I'm not suffocated by jealousy and my upcoming new room mate is the positive reinforcement that I need in my life.

I finally got to take a breath of fresh air...and now I can't wait to exhale.