Tuesday, August 16, 2011

because you are not in the power to CHOOSE

She is headstrong, smart, well-read, independent and just down right beautiful inside and out....

You know the type, we ALL know the type.  And sometimes, just sometimes, we ARE the type.  Besides the above, you are a no-nonsense kinda gal.  Fuck what you heard, this IS my world and it is ok to be selfish.  When your girlfriend is going thru it with that jerk-off yet again...you let her have it.  You know her worth, why doesn't she?  But to follow your own advise is like water and oil.  They just DO NOT mix

For a long while I was on the receiving end of stories about new relationships and the giving end of advise.  I would hear stories about my absolutely amazing friend meeting this less-than-average guy.  I would hear all the stories about what he said, things he didn't say, what he should do, what you would like him to do and what he actually did.  And more times than not, I would be saying the same thing.  You know he's a player.  You know he isn't ready.  Come on, that's a line.  He's just trying to smash.  And heaven forbid you actually fall in love and enter a monogamous relationship with him.  Cos then it's: he's not worth it. Know your own worth.  You can do better. Only you know when enough is enough.  and lastly, I GET IT.

See, the thing is, you can be the most intelligent person in the world.  You can have your ducks in a row and a good head on your shoulder.  But when it comes to matters of the heart, it always wins.  You can make the same mistake with different people over and over again cos you, my friend, are just a hopeless romantic. You run back to that same son of a bitch that broke your heart a million times.  Most of your friends remain cautious for you...express their concern.  Some lecture you, wanna shake you and say "did you forget?".  And some friends just say, "I get it" all the while shaking their head at you.  And it's because they have been there and done that.

You see, the thing about love is that you just can't CHOOSE who you fall for.  You just do.  There is no logic in it.  It takes over like a roller coaster.  At full speed, no brakes, taking you places that you never thought you would go.  You have no control and in the end it leaves you breathless and dizzy.  and maybe it is the masochist in all of us that leave us yearning for more...