Friday, November 18, 2011

Plan this...event planner

[pri-pair] Show IPA verb, -pared, -par·ing.
verb (used with object)
1. to put in proper condition or readiness: to prepare a patient for surgery.
2. to get (a meal) ready for eating, as by proper assembling, cooking, etc.
3. to manufacture, compound, or compose: to prepare a cough syrup.
Resign: check.
Move back home: check ;(
Storage run: check
get VISA: fuck.  I do that soon, I swear
School books: they sell that on, right? Ugh.
I almost wanted to keep going until I realized the ONLY three things that I HAVE
done is resign, move and put shit in storage. SMH. 
We're in mid November and to date, I have 59 days left in America.  It's so crazy...SO CRAZY.  Some days I am so excited that I don't know what to do with myself.  Other days, I am so scared to go...I just wanna stay in my comfort zone where my whole life is with all my friends and family.  And then I remember why I choose to go in the first place.  To feed my soul, to finally be fully selfish and to live MY life, the way I want to.
Now in preparation of my move, I am being pulled in every direction.  My mom wants to spend more time, my friends wanna hang out more, the holidays are here for the industry and I am busy as shit.  I get guilt trips from every angle...and I just can't catch a break.  I wonder sometimes how MAC feels about our move.  Is she just as sad?  Stressed? Anxious?  But to be honest, I don't even really like to talk about it or think about it in detail cos...well, cos it becomes more and more real.  I like to live in the now...I guess that is why my to do list is 17 pages long still.
The crazy part is, this year alone I have made friends with some of the most amazing people I have ever met.  In such a short time, I have become sooo close with them, more than people I have know for 15+ years.  And being that girl that grew up with very limited to no girlfriends, this is the hardest part.  I know that we are always going to be friends...but it's different not being able to see you everyday,  not getting a good morning text from you, taking a picture of yourself and sending it to me cos you so damn modest, group texting and chatting and HH.  I know you hootchies are reading this and you know I am not an affectionate person AT ALL but...damn am I going to miss you all.  You better visit like you all said you would, period. 
So with all the planning I do on a daily basis for other's now time for me to buckle down and plan for myself.  But first:
You are all formally invited to our going away party: 
Saturday, December 17th
Minna Art Gallery. 
Hosted by BOOGIE EVENTS.  S/O to B, thanks brutha.
(ps - Kat, I know you are reading this and thinking, "WTF" but
I will be at your Christmas party and arriving to my own, late.)